Localization inside healthcare facilities
La GPS positioning technology has been present in our lives for several years through applications who provide navigation and tracking services.
However, GPS is still unable to work inside buildings..
TapMyLife extends the GPS functionality to localize people, operators and equipment even indoor.
TapMyLife specializes in the application of indoor navigation and localization technologies inside hospitals and nursing homes..
TapMyLife uses its indoor localization technology for hospitality, humanization, accessibility, performance measurement and optimization of healthcare facilities’ management processes.
TapMyLife chose to specialize mainly in healthcare, developing a deep knowledge of the market and its multiple specificities and complexities.
The realization of user navigation and asset tracking projects for renowned healthcare facilities and research insitutions allowed to play an active role in the optimization management process and the improvement of the services we offer.
Our projects deal with multiple aspects within healthcare facilities, e.g. user reception and guidance, time and performance detection of patients’ logistic routes, intraoperative time detection, detection of the transportation time of blood components, biological samples and organs, localization of surgical tools, management of the transfer of patients inside and outside the facility.
What makes our technology applicable across the board to the healthcare sector are flexibility and the small investment required.
What does TapMyLife do?
Application for guiding users and operators via smartphone. A step-by-step navigator to reach the points of interest of the hospital
- The user is welcomed and guided to the clinic, the department or the service he needs;
- A real navigator with step-by-step instructions on the user’s smartphone;
- A service for the increase of user satisfaction and the visibility of healthcare facilities.
Automatic detection of the logistic steps of the surgical patient and the occupancy status of the operating block
- Automatic detection of the the logistic steps of the patient's surgical journey;
- Integration with the main medical record management softwares;
- Web console for a real-time visualization of the operating block status and the surgery progress;
- Facilitation of logistics due to operational alerts for the call to the department;
- Application for communication with caregivers;
- Integration with hospital information systems (ADT, planning, data analysis).
Localization and tracking of the movement of electromedical devices within the healthcare facility and support to the staff for maintenance activities
- Real time localization of the hospital assets (eg. defibrillators, ultrasound machines, stertchers, wheelchairs, surgical tools, …);
- Definition of safe zones to prevent the device from leaving its specific area;
- Traceability of the displacement of the asset between different buildings;
- Facilitation of maintenance missions with the possibility of scheduling interventions and optimizing the retrieval time of the devices.
Complete and optimized management of transport missions, with identification of the closest operator and automatic redistribution of workloads
- Platform for the management of transport requests, with indication of mission specifications (eg. type of asset needed) and patient data;
- Transport mission assignment based on a “proximity” principle that allows the identication of the closest operator;
- Smartphone application for the management of the mission in all its phases, with visualization on the floorplan of the route the operator has to follow;
- live chat with the control room;
- Full dashboard for the analysis of process performances, with the possibility of defining the indicators to be analyzed;
Platform for the autonomous management of the position of the points of interest.
Localization of patients, protection of unattended areas with individual alarm management according to the state of fragility
- Real-time detection of the patient’s position, both indoor (via BLE sensors) and outdoor (via GPS);
- Quick identification of critical events from the medical staff;
- Elaboration of individual safety profiles according to the psychophysical capabilities of the patient;
- Definition of safe areas and reduction of physical restraint;
- Definition of the alarm event and complete traceability of its process (sending, receiving, reading, taking charge and closing).
Computer vision solution for the automatic control of the patient's position inside the room, bed leaving and states of agitation
- Artificial vision system via camera for the detection of potentially dangerous behaviors;
- Identification of the presence of the patient inside the bed or the room;
- Detection of critical events (fall, states of agitation, anomalous movements);
- Corridor control;
- Images from existing camera streams (if accessible) or from low-cost cameras placed properly.
Localization and tracking of the movement of electromedical devices within the healthcare facility and support to the staff for maintenance activities
- The medical staff is able to identify in real time the localization of equipment and patients;
- The solution is applicable to any handled asset: surgical tools, stretchers, beds, blood components, first aid components. The solution meets optimization, security and monitoring needs.
Real-time temperature monitoring and localization of freezers, drugs and biological samples during storage and transportation
- The temperature of biological samples, drugs and blood components is controlled in real time – even during transportation – in order to prevent anomalies and allow the staff to act promptly;
- The position and the historic data of the transport routes are detected and stored in the control console;
- The alarm systems are able to reach transport companies, the healthcare facility’s medical staff, the driver and any other person involved in the alarm management process.
- The collection of information on movements and flows makes it possible to rationalize activities and purchases thanks to objective data and evaluations;
- A business intelligence tool with a view to lean management for the continuous optimization of processes and hospital flows, from the emergency room to the operating block.
Which department use tapmylife?
- Detection of operating block times;
- Operational management of operating rooms;
- Internal patient transportation;
- Intensive care iot.
- Tracking of fragile patients;
- Operator safety;
- Operational tool;
- Internal patient transportation.
- Risk of patient escape;
- Fall risk;
- Emergency call management;
- Infection control.
- Self check-in;
- Indoor navigation;
- Accessibility for motor disabled users;
- Accessibility for visually impaired users;
- Accessibility for foreigners.
- Localization of medical devices;
- Management of maintenance activities.
- Tracking of biological samples;
- Tracking of freezers’ temperatures;
- Temperature detection of samples, refrigerators and organs during transportation.
TapMyLife is a solution:
For Healthcare companies, hospitals, healthcare facilities and nursing homes; | |
For the detection of the operating block’s performances (-> operating block times); | |
For guiding users in simple and economic way towards any point of interest of the healthcare facility through a smartphone (-> Indoor navigation); | |
To make the hospital accessible also to blind users (-> accessibility for blind people); | |
To the safety of the staff against aggressions and the fall risk (-> medical staff saftefy); | |
The management of internal patient transportation with support of geolocation; (-> internal patient transportation); |
For the localization of medical equipment (-> indoor tracking); | |
For the localization and the detection of biological samples during transport and storage (-> localization and detection of the temperatures of biological samples); | |
For the localization and the safety of critical patient inside the healthcare facility and in unattended areas (-> patient localization); |
The presence on the market of public utility facilities allowed us to gain experience in subjects related to the reception of large flows of people.

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